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Google Ads Agency

Google Ads is important for businesses to reach their target audience and drive relevant traffic to their website, ultimately leading to increased sales and revenue.

Google Ads (previously Google AdWords) allows advertisers to target a customer’s intent when they are actively researching a product or service. It is an auction where businesses pay per click (PPC) on target keywords that will trigger relevant text ads that pop up on Google’s first page. Advertisers choose how much they’re willing to pay for each click (bid) for a target keyword in a specific geography.

Different campaign types such as Search, Display, Video, Shopping, or Remarketing can be used to drive different business objectives like generating leads, making sales, generating impressions, clicks and more.

Why Is Google Ads Important?

Google Ads is crucial for businesses as it allows them to appear at the top of Google’s search results when potential customers actively search for their products or services. This provides immediate visibility and the opportunity to capture buying signals in real-time, leading to increased website traffic, brand exposure, and potential conversions. Google Ads also offers precise measurement and tracking of advertising performance, allowing businesses to optimize their campaigns for maximum ROI. Furthermore, Google Ads can complement other digital marketing efforts, such as SEO, and provide a competitive advantage in a crowded online marketplace. Overall, Google Ads is a powerful tool for businesses to drive sales, generate leads, and achieve their marketing objectives. So, partnering with a trusted PPC Management Company can help ensure a successful and effective Google Ads campaign. Contact us today to get started! (Optional: We also provide comprehensive monthly reporting to inform you of the campaign’s performance and offer recommendations for further optimization.)

Our Google Ads Management Process

Our digital marketing agency has been offering PPC Management as a core service since we opened, providing this service to many clients. Our success is due to our winning process, which begins by understanding your business, services, customers, and competitors. By gaining this understanding, we can identify the most effective advertising channels, messaging, and target audience for your PPC campaign. We’ll schedule a call with you and work together to fill out a questionnaire to gather all the relevant information. Our AdWords management team will then set up your account, which involves performing keyword research, discovering landing pages, building campaigns and ad groups, writing ads, maximizing the use of extensions, adding negative keywords, setting goals and budgets, and more. Finally, we’ll present the build to you for review, allowing any necessary changes to be made before launching your campaign.


But what does going live mean and how does it actually work?

Google Ads work like an auction house, where a blind auction is held every single time a user enters the search terms you choose to bid on.

When we set up a Google Ads campaign, we specify how much you want to pay for each click on your target keyword. Once you have set those parameters, Google’s algorithm will hold a blind auction when your target keywords are queried in Google.

The number of times your ad will be displayed is based on your Ad Rank and Quality Score which is determined by factors like ad relevance, expected click-through-rate (CTR) and landing page experience. Your bid will compete with other advertisers bidding for the same keywords in the same geography.

See an example below of a typical search on Google:



Notice the variations in the positioning, information, and amount of information displayed in these ads.

Hello Fresh occupies the top position as the highest bidder (determined by bid, ad relevance, and landing page experience), showcasing their ad with detailed information.

Grocery Gateway follows with a shorter description and additional site links.

Serviceto appears in the third position without any additional site links.

Notice the variations in the positioning, information, and amount of information displayed in these ads.

Hello Fresh occupies the top position as the highest bidder (determined by bid, ad relevance, and landing page experience), showcasing their ad with detailed information.

Grocery Gateway follows with a shorter description and additional site links.

Serviceto appears in the third position without any additional site links.

Our team constantly monitors the campaign’s performance and makes ongoing adjustments to improve the most crucial metric for your business: conversions. Monthly results are meticulously recorded and presented, providing our clients with a clear understanding of their expenditures and returns. We also offer recommendations and ideas to build upon successful outcomes. Rest assured, and we are committed to optimizing your campaign for maximum effectiveness. Let me know if you have any further questions! I’m here to help.


With Google Search Ads, businesses can instantly appear at the top of Google’s search results when potential customers are searching for products or services they offer. This provides a powerful opportunity for advertisers to capture buying signals in real-time, allowing them to transact with potential customers without waiting to climb the organic ranks through Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

Google Ads provides advertisers with peace of mind, as it accurately measures advertising effectiveness and ROI. This is where having a trusted PPC Management Company like The Influence Agency becomes invaluable. While you focus on your core business, we work diligently in the background, handling tasks such as:

  • Monitoring spend to meet conversion and budget requirements
  • Continuously tweaking and testing ad copy throughout the day
  • Analyzing competitor data to uncover winning landing pages
  • Keeping a vigilant eye on negative keywords to exclude irrelevant traffic
  • Conquesting branded competitor search terms to maximize visibility

For most businesses, a well-optimized Google Ads strategy is a highly cost-effective way to drive sales and generate leads, even after achieving first-page results through SEO, as ads continue to attract clicks from potential customers—partner with us to ensure a successful and results-driven Google Ads campaign that delivers tangible business outcomes. Contact us today to get started! (Optional: We also provide comprehensive monthly reporting to inform you of the campaign’s performance and offer recommendations for further optimization.)


There are a lot of intricacies involved in Google Ads that can yield many questions, so while we can’t answer them all, here are the most common questions we get:


The cost per click in Google Ads is influenced by various factors, including the industry you are in, the level of competition for the keywords you have chosen, the geographic location you are targeting, and your overall budget. For instance, highly competitive keywords such as “Atlanta PPC agency” are likely to have a higher cost per click as advertisers are willing to invest more to appear for these popular search queries. Additionally, your budget for Google Ads will impact your bidding strategy, as a higher budget allows for more flexibility in setting higher maximum bids. Understanding these factors and strategically managing your budget can help optimize your bidding strategy and maximize the effectiveness of your Google Ads campaign. Contact us to learn more about how we can help you navigate the complexities of Google Ads bidding and budgeting to achieve your advertising goals. (Optional: Our experienced team of PPC specialists can provide expert guidance and ongoing management to ensure your Google Ads campaign delivers optimal results within your budget.)


Keyword match types play a crucial role in the structure of a search campaign. Let’s examine the distinctions between various keyword match types using the example provided.

In the context of search campaigns, match types determine how closely a user’s search query must align with your chosen keywords in order for your ads to be triggered. The different match types include:

  1. Broad Match: This is the most lenient match type, where your ads may be triggered by searches that include variations, synonyms, and related terms of your keywords. For example, if your keyword is “car rental,” your ad may be shown for searches like “cheap car rentals” or “car hire.”
  2. Broad Match Modifier: This match type allows you to add a “+” sign before specific keywords within your broad match keyword. This ensures that your ads are triggered only when those keywords are included in the user’s search query. For instance, if your keyword is “+car +rental,” your ad may show for searches like “car rental” or “rent a car,” but not for searches like “cheap car rentals.”
  3. Phrase Match: This match type requires the user’s search query to contain the exact phrase or a close variant of it. The phrase must be enclosed in quotation marks. For example, if your keyword is “car rental,” your ad may be displayed for searches like “best car rental” or “car rental services.”
  4. Exact Match: This match type is the most precise, as your ads will only be triggered by the exact keyword or its close variants. The keyword must be enclosed in square brackets. For instance, if your keyword is “[car rental],” your ad may show only for searches that exactly match “car rental” and not for any variations or related terms.

By understanding the differences between these keyword match types, you can effectively structure your search campaign and optimize your targeting to reach the most relevant audience for your ads. It’s essential to choose the right match types that align with your campaign goals and budget to ensure maximum performance and return on investment (ROI). So, careful consideration of match types is critical in any search campaign strategy.  So, it is essential to choose the right match types that align with your campaign goals and budget to ensure maximum performance and return on investment (ROI).  So, careful consideration of match types is critical in any search campaign strategy.  So, it is essential to choose the right match types that align with your campaign goals and budget to ensure maximum performance and return on investment (ROI).  So, careful consideration of match types is critical in any search campaign strategy.  So, it is essential to choose the right match types that align with your campaign goals and budget to ensure maximum performance and return on investment (ROI).  So, careful consideration of match types is critical in any search campaign strategy.  So, it is essential to choose the right match types that align with your campaign goals and budget to ensure maximum performance and return on investment (ROI).  So, careful consideration of match types is critical in any search campaign strategy.  So, it is essential to choose the right match types that align with your campaign goals and budget to ensure maximum performance and return on investment (ROI).  So, careful consideration of match types is critical in any search campaign strategy.  So, it is essential to choose the right match types that align with your campaign goals and budget to ensure maximum performance and return on investment (ROI).


What you don’t target is often more important than what you do target. Opposite to your target keywords, the negative keywords will prevent your search Ads from serving for certain queries.

It is important to note that negative keywords can be set at 3 levels. Account, Campaign and Ad group level. For example, if you sell white tennis shoes, but there are no running shoes in your inventory and never will be, so you want to add “running shoes” as a negative keyword at the account level.

Ad group level negative keywords, on the other hand, can be used to protect certain ad groups and control over which chunks of the account are serving for given terms. In the above example, you might want to add the word “Red” as a negative keyword in your broad match ad groups that include generic terms like +tennis +shoes.


Smart bidding utilizes Google’s machine learning to automatically set bids based on various factors. You can choose a bidding strategy based on your campaign objectives. Choose ‘Maximize Clicks’ if you want to get the most number of clicks for your budget while having control over the maximum cost per click.

New Smart Bidding strategies such as ‘Maximize Conversions’ are fully automated allowing advertisers to focus the budget towards a conversion focussed campaign.


The account set up process depends on the type and the scale of the business. The process can take longer if the business has many different product or service categories across various locations. We typically complete new setups in 10 business days.


The Google billing process is quite simple to set up. To get your ads up and running, start by submitting your credit card information and setting up your account on automatic payments. Since it wouldn’t make sense for Google to bill a credit card for every click, it will accumulate charges and bill at thresholds. You can also access all transaction, fees and monthly statements in the “Billing Settings” section.


If you would like more information about Google Ads Management or looking for a digital marketing expert in Atlanta. The 95 Agency is the place to go. Our in-house experts have the tools and knowledge you need to drastically scale your business in the shortest amount of time. Contact us today and find out how we can help take your business to the next level.

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